From the Inside – Some Cities


We’ve talked a little bit about Some Cities before in past CiB posts, and this post mentions an event happening tonight. This post is also for anyone that has missed these previous posts or wants a small taste of what it can bring to you then please read on.

Some Cities Birmingham is an open photography project that hosts their own tumblr, facebook and twitter page – inviting anybody from the public to send in their visual representation of their Birmingham city. With the new Library of Birmingham photography archives, and exciting visual based organisations such as Grain this really is a great time to explore the history and techniques of this visual media.

As well as hosting various workshops that are open to everybody, Some Cities has also been arranging ‘From the Inside’ discussions at the mac. Tonight (27th of January) at 7pm the talk entitled “From the Inside; The Photograph as a Document” will provide an insight surrounding the labels and restrictions that photography can face.

“Chaired by Benjamin Chesterton, co-founder of Duckrabbit, the talk, alongside photographers Vanley Burke, Sabiha MahmoudFjona Hill, Sonia Audhali and Lee Harper; will seek to examine and explore the moral and ethical implications that surround the photograph when used as a document of evidence.”

Previous discussions have included visiting visual artists such as Stuart Whipps, Daniel Bosworth, John Myers, Jim Mortram with visiting curators such as Karen Newman, previous curator at Open Eye Gallery and current Research Fellow in Digital Media at Coventry University. The intimate setting of the mac’s The Hexagon/theatre room means that the audience can share their views and ask questions if clarity is needed. Those equipped with an open mind and the confidence to stand behind their own curiosity and enthusiasm will really get a lot out of the evening.

Being funded by the Art Council and steadily gaining more and more followers, Some Cities efforts to provide a platform for local photographers has gained more and more attention. Recent interviews with Radio1 Caroline Martin (17/01/2014) and growing publicity are good signs of a healthy project.

Tickets for the talk can be booked via the mac website.