Exhibitions launching this week

Here are a few highlights of art exhibitions taking place across Birmingham, with several openings happening this week…

  • Little Yemen at The Druma couple of weeks ago, we briefly mentioned that Sonia Audhali’s Little Yemen was to be exhibited at The Drum – “As a British Yemeni born and raised in England, Sonia Audhali’s photographs exhibit not only an image of one nation and its culture integrating with another, but also a trace of autobiography. Audhali’s identity as both British and Yemeni instinctively influences her approach to capturing a dual heritage of which there is little in the way of published and public evidence in the UK.” Launch event is Tuesday 3rd December at 6pm. More info on The Drum’s website
  • IKON – The opening of Ikon’s new exhibitions takes place on Wednesday, 4th December 6-8pm. Showcasing the work of both British and International artists including Tim Johnson, David Tremlett, Amikan Toren and Dean Kelland. Overviews of the new exhibitions and links to find out more information about each of the artists are on the IKON’s newsletter which you can view here
  • Grand Union – “The Piracy Project is an international publishing and exhibition project exploring the philosophical, legal and practical implications of book piracy and creative modes of reproduction. The Piracy Project is not about stealing or forgery. It is about creating a platform to innovatively explore the spectrum of copying, re-editing, translating, paraphrasing, imitating, re-organising, manipulating of already existing works. Here creativity and originality sit not in the borrowed material itself, but in the way it is handled.” Sounds great. The opening event for AND Publishing: The Piracy Project is Friday 6th December, 5-7pm. More info on the Grand Union website
  • Eastside Projects launches ‘Trade Show’ – with a preview on Friday 6th December, 7-9pm. “‘Trade Show’ is a group exhibition that exercises the function of art to exchange, present and enact different economic practices and cultures of trade. Over the last decades artists have claimed and  reclaimed trade as a socio-cultural space by producing their own shops, swaps, stalls, deals, exchange centres and distribution systems.” More info and ways you can get involved are on the Eastside Projects website.

Here are some recent openings:

  • Photorealism: 50 Years of Hyperrealistic Painting opened last week – “Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery is proud to be the only UK venue to display this first and largest European retrospective. Showcasing key photorealist artists from the 1960s to the present day, the exhibition explores the questions and debates raised by the movement on what makes an authentic image and the ways in which we perceive the world.” More info on the BMAG website
  • RBSA Gallery’s Open Exhibition opened last week too – “A selected exhibition showing artworks by local artists and artists from across the UK. Come and discover a wide range of media including jewellery, ceramics and textiles as well as drawing, painting and printmaking’. More on RBSA Gallery’s website
  • John Monks’ The Process of Painting launched at the Barber Institute of Fine Arts a couple of weeks ago. “One of the most important painters working in Britain today, London-based John Monks is as much influenced by historical art and the interiors of galleries and historic buildings as he is by the work of contemporary artists.” More on the Barber’s website.

This is by no means supposed to be a comprehensive list – there are plenty of other good things happening too! Follow us on twitter for regular postings and RT’s: @createdinbrum.