Four Fathers & Little Yemen at The Drum

Throughout November, December and January, The Drum will be hosting Four Fathers and Little Yemen– two superb Visual Arts exhibitions celebrating the city’s South Asian and Yemeni populations.

These unique collections illustrate the cross-generational and transcultural experiences of those families and communities that form Birmingham’s rich cultural landscape.


Tour Forum Projects presents Four Fathers Exhibition

Tue 5 Nov – Thu 28 Nov (Exhibition Launch Party: Tue 5 Nov, 6pm)

The Four Fathers Exhibition documents in film, photography and on-line the experiences of South Asian grandfathers, fathers and sons in Birmingham, and raises many questions – What are the similarities and differences between generations? What ideas are passed on? Which traditions last and which do not?

The resultant photographic exhibition, film and website illustrate those responses, capturing things that are unique or repeated across generations.

More info about Four Fathers exhibition on the Drum website.


Sonia Audhali- Little Yemen

Tue 3 Dec – Thu 30 Jan (Exhibition Launch: Tue 3 Dec, 6pm)

Little Yemen is a sensitive portrait of a West Midlands community in transition.

As a British Yemeni born and raised in England, Sonia Audhali’s photographs exhibit not only an image of one nation and its culture integrating with another, but also a trace of autobiography.

Audhali’s identity as both British and Yemeni instinctively influences her approach to capturing a dual heritage of which there is little in the way of published and public evidence in the UK.

More info about Little Yemen exhibition on the Drum website.

We wrote about Little Yemen earlier in the year, when the exhibition was on at the mac, well worth a visit.