Guest blogged in Birmingham

Hello, my name is Julia Gilbert, your Created in Birmingham guest blogger. You may also know me from such social media tools as Flickr,, Tumblr and Twitter.

While Pete is taking a well-deserved trip across the pond to attend SXSWi on behalf of us Brummies. I’ll be taking up the reins, so that nothing urgent gets missed.

I am not a professional ‘creative’ so have no work of my own to promote, although I am a big fan of creative activity, especially stuff happening locally. I have lived in Brum for 11 years now, so consider myself an honorary Brummie.

My own blog has suffered a severe lack of activity of late, but having attended the recent Brum Bloggers meetup, I feel a new surge of enthusiasm and hope to get it back on track soon! I also blog much more regularly on The Kitten Channel, and occasionally on BiNS (where I am the Typo Fairy, who comes and magically fixes Jon‘s typos before he hits Publish or sometimes after if he’s being impatient!).

Hopefully Pete will be able to forward any important emails to me, but if you have some urgent news and you want to make sure I get it, feel free to copy me in on julia.gilbert AT

Just hope I don’t break anything!


  1. Yay – a lass at the steering wheel whilst Texas Pete is out and about! Welcome, Julia.

    I’m sure you’ll do a great job. :)

  2. nojuh

    This is like a supply teacher at school
    *throws textbook across the room towards teacher*

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