Introducing the News River

Inspired, it must be said, by Dubber’s Newswire I’ve been working on a new service on Created in Birmingham – the News River. For want of a better name. You can find it in the menu bat at the top of each page.

This should hopefully mitigate a few of issues. Firstly it’ll allow me to draw attention to things that aren’t strictly within the CiB remit. Secondly it allows me to throw up information quickly that wouldn’t necessarily warrant a full blog post. And thirdly it should make the blog itself more focussed, maybe even leading to more original content.

This also means you’re getting a two-stream site. You can just have the blog posts or you can have the full torrent of information. No obligation either way. While it’s still bedding in style-wise everything works so subscribe to the feed and prepare for the deluge!