Do you want to write for Created in Birmingham?

I’ve been looking after this blog for a little while now and reckon it’s time for some fresh blood. Here’s what I’m thinking…

I’m thinking it might be nice to have a small handful of contributors. Maybe after six months or so some new people will come in and maybe the previous people will move on. We’ll see how things go.

Meanwhile, I’m going to take a bit of a backseat, looking after the site from behind the scenes to make sure everything works properly.


You don’t need an exhaustive knowledge of everything going on in the city to write on CiB. Quite the opposite. I reckon it’s worked really well when the writer has been curious about what’s been going on, taking nothing for granted and not quite understanding who does what and why.

I don’t want to be too prescriptive, but you should probably:

  • Be able to write with reasonable grammer and as few typo’s as possible
  • Be up for writing something regularly (I tend to post something daily, but we’re hardly talking essays here)
  • Have a vague idea about how blogs/social media work (although I’ll be around to provide a few pointers if needed)
  • Understand that CiB is all about promoting everyone but yourself
Above all, you should be interested in things and you should want to get out and about, discovering things around Birmingham’s creative communities.

What’s in it for you?

Um… well, unless you count the (occasional) invitations to shows and events, nobody gets paid for writing things on this site. It’s a bit of fun. Or something to put on your CV. Or an excuse to get out and about more often. Personally, writing on CiB has been one of the best things I’ve ever done.

Of course, you’ll have free rein to write about what you like, how you like (within reason – no more legal troubles, please). In fact you don’t even have to write – if video, photo, audio or something else is more your style then go for it.

How to get involved

Email saying hello and that you’re interested. Please don’t write an essay, it’s really not necessary – just a short message will do. Maybe with a link to your own blog, Tumblr, Twitter account  or whatever instead.

Depending on how many people express an interest (if anyone) by the end of next week, I’ll work out how to take things forward. You may detect that I’ve not really thought this through completely, but then that’s always been the way with this site…


  1. “Be able to write with reasonable grammer and as few typo’s as possible”

    Not sure if this is an oblique joke or not (/squintingFry.jpg).

  2. A typo on grammar and a grammatical error on typos – I gave myself a pat on the back for that one.

    Further proof that I should hand things on to someone else, I guess.

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