The CiB shop is now open!

I’m very conscious that I’ve not mentioned that the CiB shop opened on Thursday night. It did and it looks ace – even better than I hoped it would. Things have been quite busy (to say the least), so I’ll do a proper post with thanks and links and photos and all sorts later. If … [Read more…]

CiB Shop – An invitation

In fact, two invitations and a slight apology. Invitation 1 – THE GRAND OPENING On Thursday 25 February at 5pm the shutters will be raised for the first time. As well as the chance to have a poke around and sample the merchandise, there’ll be some gentle tuneage from Sister 45 and Colour. Maybe some … [Read more…]

CiB Shop – here’s how you can get involved

If I’ve been a bit quiet recently, it’s because work’s been a bit busy. And in my spare time I’m opening a shop in the UK’s busiest shopping centre. So yeah, busy. I’ve had a fair few emails from people offering their support, goods, services and selves. Which is lovely, thank you very much. However, … [Read more…]