1. Can’t wait to see it! Are you open to submissions for work? If you do a call for entries give me a shot and I’ll forward it through my blog also!

  2. Cheers guys. Help will most likely be requested at some point!

    James – that’d be cool. It’ll take me a day or two to work out what I’m looking for but I’ll definitely be asking for things.

  3. that’s pretty amazing! i’d be interested in knowing when there will be a call for submissions as well. i’m a photographer and would love to contribute in some way. :)


  4. Charlotte Payne

    This great news! Birmingham NEEDS more independent shops etc. Have you thought about selling CDs too? I know they’re a bit old fashioned but it would be great to have some where to come and get CDs by Birminghams unsigned talent.

  5. Sparkly Ruth

    This is going to be really awesome! I’d really like to get involved too, feel free to get in touch Chris :-)

  6. Fantastic. Cannot wait to visit and have a look around. Exciting times. If you need any help or submissions feel free to give me a bell. All the best. Dave

  7. Deborette

    Sounds GREAT!! I have recently subscribed to your page…Im well impressed, i hope the shop is a great success. Good luck!

  8. Cool idea. I have nothing to offer in support but my wallet. I will gladly buy stuff from your shop and aim to become a repeat customer in between liberal doses of browsing. Shopping is good.

  9. Hannah #laverack

    Hi, I’m a hige fan of CIB, and this sounds like an amazing venture! if you do need staff, please get in touch! It would be great to work for an enterprise I am enthusiastic about and believe in!

  10. Hi, I’m really happy to hear about this! If there is anything I can help with; I work in interior design and can get hold of decorative items i.e. paper/paint and contacts for builders etc, please get in touch. I would love to help make a success of something independent in Birmingham.

  11. Blimey! You’re bonkers! I wish you the best of luck. I have the greatest of faith and highest respect for you and think after so much >talk< about the creative industry its great to see someone with balls actually doing something. This could be a great thing for city and a fantastic catalyst.

    I have little to offer, but if you need any help with the online side of the shop I'll offer all the support I can. Hosting, PCI DSS compliance help, red tape etc, just give me a yell

  12. Thanks for all the comments and support! I signed the tenancy yesterday (and even held the key for a bit!) so now I’m just working on a feasible opening date. More info soon come…

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