Evening Commute

From H4NUM4N Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Curate’s Review

Angry Men in Suits. Pete Ashton, for it is he, reviews the recent Curate’s Egg gig and sings the praises of Al Hutchins. There are a number of promoters in the city who are doing interesting things but the evenings that Al curates (and it is a curatorship rather then mere promotion) always intrigue and … [Read more…]

Brumcast 75

Brumcast 75 is up. [audio:http://ipodnetworks.com/podcast/363/2005_hifi.mp3] Just in case that didn’t hit home, Little Chris has now collected seventy five hours of local music and released it to the world. For free. Off his own back. With no renumeration for his time. He’s open to offers.

Flamenco Fest starts

The Emocion Flamenco festival starts tonight with “three nights of world-class flamenco at Birmingham Town Hall”. Organised by Rich Hadley and Ana Garcia who have been pushing the flamenco agenda in this city with great passion. The highlight, as I understand it, is the Saturday performance by Los Arrieritos of 13 Rosas, a much celebrated … [Read more…]

Poetry Bites

Birmingham Words points us to Poetry Bites, an event hosted by Jacqui Rowe featuring Birmingham-born poet, actor and comedian Laurence Inman who, I note, writes a lot for The Stirrer. There’s also an open-mike spot and your date is Thursday 22nd of November. £5 gets you in.

Tatzu Nishi’s Chandelier

One of the nice things about Ikon Eastside was how the artists were encouraged to work with the surrounding environment using found scrap metal or making wine from canal-side plants. While the Eastside project has ended for the year it’s good to see there’s still work being done that interacts with the city rather then … [Read more…]

Birmingham Zombie Day

Attention pranksters, performance artists and people who just like doing stupid stuff. Birmingham Zombie Day is being mooted. Braaaaiiinnnzzzz…

Einstellung’s Tot

I’m playing favourites here but having been blown away by them over the weekend I can’t not draw your attention to Einstellung‘s new single being released online today. Tot is being released as part of the Shifty Disco Records singles subscription club and should be on the site by the time you read this (unless … [Read more…]