Plus Show and Tell

The Designer Show And Tell event at the Plus festival looks pretty fun: This event, taking place at the Plus Friday Night Party, is proving to be very popular amongst exhibiting agencies and freelancers at the festival. Designer Show and Tell is a simple concept. Participants are asked to show 10 images each on view … [Read more…]

Paul Kaynes’ Role

Here’s the full press release for Paul Kaynes’ appointment as West Mids Creative Programmer for the Cultural Olympiad. I’m not going to try and summarise it as I’m still processing exactly what a Cultural Olympiad is but here’s what he intends to do: • Encourage and enable arts and cultural bodies to get involved, and … [Read more…]

Cure Zone

If I was being cruel I’d say the title of the latest exhibition to take place at Curzon St Station is an indication of some shark jumping, but I’m not and it looks pretty cool. The Cure Zone is: An exhibition by a group of international visual communicators. Fusing ideas of European, Asian, North and … [Read more…]

Paul Kaynes new job

In this post about Audiences Central’s Chief Executive Paul Kaynes leaving to become West Midlands Creative Programmer for the Cultural Olympiad we learn that Audiences Central used to be called Birmingham Arts Marketing, which is something I did not know and makes a lot more sense now.

Binary Oppositions

Just a quick note about the Binary Oppositions launch tonight at Vivid and then the Rainbow. I’ve been picking up bits and bobs of info about this over the week and I’m starting to suspect it’s a very important project that scoops whole swathes of interesting West Mids talent and projects it into wonderful places. … [Read more…]

FXB Closing Party

The closing party for the Festival of Xtreme Building takes place this Friday at 9pm on the FXB site. A pretty low key for everyone that has been involved to see the site looking very pretty at night lit up, listen to some music and have a beer. The Ale Installation by Pam Ginn will … [Read more…]


Had this email through from Julie Brown at the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at Birmingham Uni: ACRE is a major, international, 4 year research project funded under the Priority 7 ‘Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based Society’ within the EU Sixth Framework Programme. The project brings together partners from 13 leading research centres … [Read more…]

Custard Factory site

Well, would you look at that. The Custard Factory has a new website and it appears to be based around a blog! Who saw that coming? In fact it appears to be pretty influenced by this very blog in tone and style. Hmm… Yes, I’m running it, but I’d be a fool not to plug … [Read more…]