Craig Holmes’ Photoblog

Craig Holmes writes to say he’s started a new photoblog where he’s posting a new photo every day showcasing his personal, artistic and commercial work. He’s using a new service, Pixyblog, which is still in beta but looks like it could be useful for photographers who want a picture-specific blog. Craig runs the Images of … [Read more…]

Jazz Festival announced have news of the Birmingham Jazz Festival for this year with “150 performances taking place in some 60 venues including bars, hotels, clubs, restaurants, shopping malls, stores, concert halls, the city’s streets and squares” over the week of Friday 6th to Sunday 15th July with almost all the events free to the public. More … [Read more…]

Tindal Street Press Publishing Traineeship offered

Tindal Street Press are offering a “unique 12-month publishing traineeship to degree level applicants from the Black African, Caribbean, Asian, Chinese or Middle Eastern communities.” The following is copied from Birmingham Words (who don’t have permalinks on their blog so I can’t link directly…) Recent research highlights the under-representation of black and minority ethnic groups … [Read more…]

Fierce: Platinum

How’s your Fierce Festival going? I’m already finding I’m missing stuff, such as the first two Cesare Pietroiusti events at the Ikon, and there’s still a good fortnight to go. One thing I have managed to see is the Platinum showcase at Curzon Street Station which is also on Wednesday 23rd should you be free … [Read more…]

Mr Silke

Mr Silke is one of those collective things that seems to pop out of nowhere and amaze you with its scale and ambition. Whether it lives up to its aims remains to be seen but whatever happens the side effects should be positive and interesting. This is taken from Creative Wolverhampton: From off the streets … [Read more…]

Flip 07 announced

The 2007 Flip Animation Festival has been announced for November 1st – 3rd at Light House and other venues in Wolverhampton. Flip is an eclectic mix of all things animation. Based in the heart of the Midlands the festival provides a wide range of experiences from educational workshops for young people to experimental animation for … [Read more…]

BASS Festival

The Bass Festival (British Art and Street Sounds) is a rather exciting sounding collection of black music events put together by Birmingham-based promoters (amongst other things) Punch. Running throughout the month of June there are 30 events taking place in venues across the West Midlands with a mission to take this music overground on it’s … [Read more…]