Made in Moseley

Moseley has always had a reputation for having a vibrant creative community and the Moseley Community Development Trust have put together Made in Moseley, a directory of local creatives and businesses across a wide range of categories. As well as being online it’s also available as a small booklet which I picked up in the … [Read more…]

Flickr Friday

A regular selection of photos from the Birmingham Flickr community. Matt Murtagh Photo-Gedden Matt Fairview Mike Warren All copyright as applies. To suggest photos for inclusion in this feature add them to this thread or leave a link in the comments.

Fused Fashion

Fused Magazine has three articles online profiling recent Fashion Graduates from UCE: Janine McGaff, Kat James and Sian Dawkins.

The Cervical Monologues

Women & Theatre are doing two free performances of The Cervical Monologues at The Hub, 318 Vicarage Road, Kings Heath on March 8th. Researched with a wide range of patients & health professionals, The Cervical Monologues explores issues such as life, love, sex & sexuality, as well as demystifying the screening process through the sharing … [Read more…]

Project X needs support letters

As mentioned in the interview I did with Rich Batsford, the Project X Presents collective are applying for funding to put on their next big event. Part of this involves getting letters from the public in support of the application. If you enjoyed the Like Fxck event last July and think there should be more … [Read more…]

Name in Lights

The first of the Fierce Festival items for this year launched today. Name in Lights is a competition whereby someone will have their name installed in giant illuminated letters on the side of the Central Library building. The whole thing is the brainchild of artist Joshua Sofaer and the winner will be chosen by a … [Read more…]