Birmingham – the new-media centre?

On the back of the BBC moving more of it’s traditional broadcasting to the North West leaving Birmingham as a “broadcasting backwater” The Stirrer has some interesting speculation about what might come next. “Our sources suggest that later this month (probably at a media conference in Oxford on January 18) the chief executive of Ofcom, … [Read more…]

Friends of the Stars

On his blog The Wireless new media bod Andrew Dubber is posting up an mp3 every day and writing a bit about it. Since he’s fairly in touch with the local music scene a number of the acts promise to be from the region. On Monday he posted a track by Friends of the Stars … [Read more…]

Midlands Comics Collective anthology

MC² is a new comics anthology from The Midlands Comics Collective that was published in November. The MCC is “a group of aspiring artists, writers and other such deviants based in and around Birmingham UK, all of whom are aiming to break into the comics industry – by force if necessary.” Also of note is … [Read more…]

Flatpack Festival coming soon

The Flatpack Festival from experimental film collective 7 Inch Cinema takes place over four days over the weekend of February 1st – 4th. Full details are still forthcoming but the Saturday event run with Capsule has been announced. Known / Unknowns has six bands in two rooms of the Jug of Ale (presumably one of … [Read more…]

60 Seconds of Fame

Voting has started for this years BAFTA 60 seconds of Fame short film competition with regional heats. There are 12 films in the West Midlands category, which seems a bit low but there you go. Since I heard about this from Kate Thomson it’s only right that I plug the film she did the music … [Read more…]