Lower Eastside Dialogues

Lower Eastside Dialogues is a series of events aiming to set the agenda for the emerging learning and cultural quarter over the next three months. The Design of Regeneration January 25th, 7pm @ The Bond, Fazeley Street, Digbeth (map) Speakers include: * Amanda Levete from Future Systems, architects of the award winning Selfridges building * … [Read more…]

A Bigger Ikon?

Interesting interview in the Birmingham Post with Jonathan Watkins, director of the Ikon gallery and architect Glenn Howells (Wikipedia) who has previously worked on the Custard Factory and is involved with a number of regeneration projects in Birmingham. While nothing has been confirmed the pair are very keen to see the Ikon expand into a … [Read more…]

Flatpack Festival programme announced

The Flatpack Festival programme is online and by the gods there’s a lot going on. I had no idea! Over four days there’s an absurd amount of films being shown in the city from features to shorts to video installations at a wide range of venues. You could, if you wished, spend three whole days … [Read more…]

Capsule @ Sonar

Each year music promoters Capsule attend the Sonar Festival in Barcelona. From their site: “For the 4th time Capsule will be holding a stall at this years Sonar Festival in Barcelona, on previous visits we have been accompanied by labels/ arts organisations / Festivals organisers to take advantage of the opportunity to promote their wares/ … [Read more…]

Flickr Friday

A regular weekly selection from the Birmingham Flickr community. tanyalupton nobody knows anything Matt Murtagh Garry Corbett To suggest photos for this feature post them to this thread on Flickr or leave a link in the comments here.

New Art Birmingham

New Art Birmingham, running from the 15th to 18th of March in Eastside, “will create exposure for the best of contemporary visual arts through a highly visible event showcasing national artists, encouraging entrepreneurial activity amongst new and emerging artists, galleries and dealers and creating opportunities for potential buyers and collectors.” The event comes under the … [Read more…]

Notion Studio

My attention is drawn to Notion Studio, a multimedia production house based at UCE, thanks to a article on the Adobe site spotlighting their music video for Shimm1 in which the buildings of Birmingham transform into giant speakers. Specialising in high definition video, DVD production and 2D/3D animation, Notion is one of a cluster of … [Read more…]

The Destroyers

The Destroyers are one of Birmingham’s more intriguing musical outfits. A 15 piece (give or take) group made up of alumni from the Birmingham Conservatoire plus other like minded souls they formed three years ago having met at various jam sessions in the city. The core of their sound is Klezmer, “a musical tradition which … [Read more…]