Past members

Pete Ashton

2007 – Jan 2008

Pete Ashton is a blogger based in Birmingham specialising in helping individuals, businesses and organisations understand, follow and engage with the social internet. He set up Created in Birmingham and ran it for a year, joint-winning the Guardian Media award for best blog in 2008. He’s been blogging since 2000 and offers his services through his digital communications consultancy ASH-10.

Chris UnittEditor

May 2008 – Jan 2009. October 2009 – July 2012

Chris ran Created in Birmingham twice. At the end of his first stint the website won a Best UK Blog award in slightly hilarious circumstances. The second stint saw the Created in Birmingham Shop in the Bullring, a great adventure that couldn’t have happened without the generosity of all sorts of people and organisations (not least Bullring Birmingham and Pete Ashton).

He can be found at, on Twitter and on LinkedIn.