Looking Forward

Animation Forum give notice of Looking Forward, a half day event this Wednesday for the audio-visual industry. This is an excellent opportunity for Animation Forum members to voice their opinions on the skills needs of the regions’ animation sector, as well as discover the business support available. The Animation Group at this event will be … [Read more…]

John James

John James was a photographer at the Birmingham Post who is now freelance. His website has the usual portfolios but is worth an extra look for work that betrays his history as a photojournalist. Firstly go check the “award winning” section for shots of riots, crashes and pig competitions in the 80s. Then come back … [Read more…]

Harry in the Subway

I have to confess to not covering the world of Harry Palmer as much as I should and I have no excuse other that it’s often hard to get my head around exactly what he’s up to. Which is a terrible excuse as that’s a sign of someone doing good shit. Here’s a good example. … [Read more…]

James Nash interview

Triffic two part interview with cartoonist James Nash (Personally It’s a joy to see someone from the Gary Panter / Matt Brinkman school working in the region.)

Envy and Other Sins FTW

Missed it at the time, but Envy and Other Sins won that Mobile Act Unsigned compo in December getting them a contract with A&M. Cat Bray at 4Talent did a nice big interview with them. Well done, chaps!

towering above the rest

From Tom (hmm a rosa tint) Photos are posted here from the Birmingham Flickr community. Click on the image for more details.

Rep not facing cuts after all

It seems Tory MP Michael Fabricant got his facts wrong when he said the Birmingham Rep was “no longer going to receive it’s funding” in the House of Commons. Anthony Herron inquired and is happy to report “the REP is not facing cuts it is likely to get an inflationary increase.” Thanks Ant.