Gigbeth collective memory

Right, let’s see what the online-o-sphere can give us for this weekend’s giggery.

First up, there’s a group on Flickr for you to add your photos. All are welcome.

David Nikel reports and Dunc Autumn Store responds on the subject of promoters.
Robin Valk is interviewed by The Stirrer at the conference about the state of local radio. Discussion thread follows.
Andrew Dubber reports on his own panel involving six 14 year old girls being quizzed by industry figures about how they consume music. Fascinating stuff.

Opening Ceremony and Thursday night
Birmingham It’s Not Shit reviews the opening ceremony and cites the blitz spirit along with liking the multi-genre supergroup aspect.
The Hearing Aid wonders where everyone was.
Danny Smith critiques all the acts.

Friday night
David Nikel is liveblogging from the Nightingale venue.
BiNS reviews the bands by checking out their shoes.
The Hearing Aid did the Barfly.
Danny Smith catches a few bands

Saturday night
BiNS reviews the bands using graphs. I wish I’d thought of that.
Andy Pryke checks out Misty’s and Shady Bard.
Danny Smith does the rounds and seems pretty impressed.

BiNS offers constructive criticism and lists a few favourite things.
Anthony Herron reports on the conference and Friday night at the Sanctuary.

More to be added – leave links in the comments as usual.


  1. Overall I was pretty disappointed with Gigbeth. From a punters point of view I found the security very heavy handed seeing one wasted (but causing no trouble) chap ejected from the Kerryman for (shock) dancing! And being told I couldn’t enter the Sanctuary because it was closed even though the final act had just started and surely would be playing for at least 30mins.

    Couple that with events which were falsely advertised on the flyers as part of the event but actually were separate with additional separate costs.

    Finally, just the apathy of Birmingham again raising it’s head with half filled venues and events becoming empty before they’d finished.

    Shame – could have been great. Maybe next year.

  2. Clare Edwards

    Interesting to hear about the security – we worked pretty hard to brief them so it is is useful to know that it didn’t work completely. The shared events with other promoters at the med bar didn’t work from our point of view either – but we have good relationships with those promoters now and will try to do full Gigbeth based events with them next year to avoid the confusion….

  3. I didn’t actually attend any of Gigbeth as I was away with Dufus but I found this link to a blog that refers in a light hearted way to some of the discussions that took place as part of the the Conference. Joking aside I think it raises some quite important issues. Pete, you’ll have to make a decision on whether you want to include it or not but I think it should go under some heading of constructive Criticism or something.’s-‘let-‘em-eat-cake/

  4. Clare Edwards

    Robin’s done another Radio to go about Gigbeth in his November show… not sure how to put a link to it though – doh’! I’m guessing you do though Pete!

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