1. Fandango

    Hi Ronan,

    I have some tales and stories of being an unsigned musician so I could send a blog post over to you. I think you’ll like it as it’s a tale of failing success. Let me know how to add a post and I will happily do this.


  2. Ronan

    Hi guys,

    Many thanks to Created in Birmingham for publishing my guest blog and the link to my own blog.

    Unfortunately, I have had to take down my blog. Hopefully it is only temporary.

    Many thanks and kind regards,


  3. they know who i am

    I’m sorry, but guy doesn’t no s**t about music.

    “As an unsigned musician, I’m always left disappointed that there isn’t more in these books about their time before they were famous.” why the did you think it was nessasry to say your an usigned musician? thats just shameful self promoting. do what you were asked and write a blog. in fact you say it a further 2 or 3 times. “wow really, what band are you in, please tell us all!” NERVE CENTRE, there i’ve done it for you, check them out, as you can see by their pictures their great background music whilst you playing fruit machines, oh but dont say anything bad about them or they’ll get there mums to complain. free speech!

    [deleted a bit here] he’s write these blogs like he’s god. this blog doesn’t even make sense! talent mate, that is phase two, talnt and desire. [deleted this bit too]

    i hope you read this and do nothing but appologise. you defriended and blocked me cus you couldn’t face the shame of being everything you clame you hate.

    [Editor’s note – I’ve deleted the defamatory bits of this comment. And, to head off the inevitable complaint, I haven’t done it because someone’s asked me to. Chris]

  4. they know who i am

    they screwed over my band, and wont face up to it, but bleet on like they know all about the unsigned comunity. fakers, this blog is all about ego

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