1. David Green

    Listening to Katie Day talk about her year professional development with Theatre Sandbox 2010 seems to me an enormously positive step for the arts organisations. Could it be that the arts community is finally coming to grips with technology? I’ve always wondered why this segment of society has made so little use of the advancement in science, given that one could use the logic of: what is it that artists don’t have much of – money. What is it that technology has an abundance of – the ability to make money unnecessary. Seems to me a match made in heaven, technology and art.

    With org names like Analog and iShed, arts groups appear to be at least setting one foot into the future, but still holding firm to what’s worked in the past, so early days yet. Still, any advancement by the arts community is necessary for the greater public good.

    In fact, it continues to amuse me hearing comments like, “…not about creating technology-obsessed media” or “…isn’t led by technology or dictated by technology but using technology that is really good and engaging for audiences”. Frankly, since these sorts of rejoinders first appeared in the early 1980s, I didn’t think I’d ever stop hearing them. But the nail in the coffin of this phobia might just be that arts groups are finally bending technology to their own will. Yay! I think we’ve finally gotten everyone on board the good ship, when does she set sail? (apologies for the use of analog metaphor)

    It appears so many good ideas have come from this effort, (especially the ones that don’t involve an expensive and at times unnecessary theatre space), and I can’t wait to see the prototypes placed in public. I’d say it was a year well-spent, Katie Day, especially for the common good. You should do this more often.

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