
Just came across Klunk.org, a collective blog that, while not explicitly Birmingham-centric appears to be based here.

This website is the place to find information about the Klunk Kollective. Which basically is a bunch of like minded folks interested in creating digital media. My name is Gary Judge (aka Arcade) and I am the founding member of the community and the administrator of the website.

This website is the virtual hub of the community is a place where interested parties can stay connected, swap ideas, promote themselves and sell some of their wares. Collectively Klunk aims to become an authority in the digital arts medium enabling its members access to information and facilities they would have difficulty getting on their own.

We are currently particularly interested in graphic designers, video artists and musicians who like to play live joining the ranks…So if you would like to join in please get in touch explaining what you do and what you think you can bring to the table.

A recent post is entitled Not much going on in Brum which I found kinda amusing. My calendar is rammed right now with more events that I can physically go to, but then I’ve spent the last year throwing myself right into the middle of everything. A couple of years back I might have thought the same.

On the one hand I’d love for people to know all the stuff without having to work too hard at it, but on the other hand if you want to find the really interesting things you really should expect to work for it. Is there a middle ground?

(Unfortunately Klunk require registration to comment, which is fair enough but not something I would recommend if you want to get the wider debate going.)


  1. Would you say, young Pete, that (on a quasi-pop-philosophical level) there’s an obvious parallel to be drawn between the sort of insularity needed to require someone to register to comment, and the sort of insularity needed to keep your eyes shut to all of the interesting things a-happening?

  2. You probably have to factor in a fear of spam into it. Registration only comments are very tempting but, in my analysis, not worth it in the long term.

    Remember registration is defacto in the world of forums – it’s just blogs have a tradition of open comments. If you’re coming from a forum mindset it makes perfect sense. Wrong sense, but sense all the same.

  3. Indeed the registration is intended to stem the flow of spam…I do recognise that this may be short sighted, so will be removing this requirement.

    I am heartened to find out that I am wrong and there is stuff going on in Brum which I will checking out and commenting on through the klunk medium.


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