BBC Cuts

The Stirrer reports on the announced BBC cuts and how they’ll affect the West Midlands. Apparently we’re not doing too badly and might pick up some of the factual programming from London. On the flip side (and not strictly West Mids related) the merging of online, radio and TV news is probably not a great thing.

One Comment

  1. Thanks for the link, and just to clarify the point I was making. Integration in the news business is happening, and that’s not in and of itself a bad thing. But as I said in the post, integration requires integrated thinking, bringing together the excellent audio, video and online/interactive experience at the BBC. Unfortunately, due to the internal politics at the place, this thinking doesn’t exist. It’s a bunch of heavily silo-ed fiefdoms that are at war with each other. Powerful middle managers and editors actually will prevent intelligent integration and instead continue the in-fighting and inefficiencies.

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