New BIAD site

BIAD, the Birmingham Institute for Art and Design at UCE BCU, has a new website.

Biad site

There are a couple of nice things about this. The most obvious is the extensive gallery of graduates’ work which serves to show off the grads and their alma mata, though links to their sites would make it really useful. The second is the news page which appears to cover a whole range of activities connected to the institute from colaborations with IKON, public lectures and events and new publications by staff.

While it might not be obvious, this new site is pretty much a blog. Indeed, it’s using Drupal, a powerful free content management system that understands the best things about weblogs. This also means they have RSS feeds – a first for an academic website that’s ostensibly all about the PR. No idea who’s behind it all but, compared to the parent site it’s a breath of fresh air.

via Nikki Pugh


  1. I’m impressed that there are staff and research sections to the gallery too, but wouldn’t it be great if a departmental/campus site like this could leave the prospectus-type stuff like the about and courses pages to the main BIAD site and instead solely feature the events and work being produced?

    Go on! It’s nearly there! or .org, not .com!

  2. Katie

    Though I don’t think the look of it is up to much (the .titles remind me of the Birmingham Artists website, and the colours are unpleasant), content-wise it’s interesting.

    I think it’ll give current and prospective students a much better idea of what’s going on, who’s who and, I suppose, more of a sense of belonging to a community. It certainly helps the faculty come across as being progressive, which I guess is pretty important for an art school.

  3. Charlotte Caret

    Not convinced this is a new site. BIAD’s original site is still available:
    As is the centralised version.

    This site, I beleive, is specifically from the Fine Art dept.

    These are interesting comments and I don’t expect I am the only person from BCU reading.

  4. Who is this David Oz!? He’s clearly a master when it comes to sculpting a site out of Drupal.

    I like the big drop shaddowed text – very nice. Not sure about the colours and the feathering, but it looks like a nice working site.

    Students/faculties should organise more of these independent sites to show off work and research. They provide a much greater insight for propestive students than the offical biad/bcu sites.

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