Type Tours this week

John Bounds goes for a walk and a long chat with Ben Waddington who’s running the Type Tours this week around Birmingham.

“The type-tours aren’t just about signs that are ‘printed’, the Digbeth one in particular will be as interested in hand painted notes and other letter-forms. You can talk about theory, but often you can only guess at the intended purpose of so much of it – in a way the tours will be a conversation. If people want to disagree with me, that’s okay.”

Type Tour of Digbeth – 17, 18, 19 October, 12.30 – 14.30pm
Baskerville’s Birmingham – 20 October 12.30 – 14.30pm
City Centre Type Tour – 21 October, 12.30 – 14.30pm
All priced at £10

I can’t find where they start from but will keep you posted.

Later: Ben writes on the BiNS blog:

The Digbeth tours start at different times during the day Wed 17 Oct – Fri 19 Oct, from the Wild Building, Floodgate St. The City Centre tours are Sunday only, 10 30 and (I think) one thirty. They start from the Baskerville monument outside Bask House. The Digbeth tour is “rougher”. hand painted signs, self made metal signs, all sorts really. City Centre is a bit more polished; terracotta, engravings, stone &c., then dips into JQ industrial zone. Also a Baskerville tour on Sat 12 30 from outside Museum, Chamberlain Sq. Each is £10, via www.youplusus.net, booking advised / essential. Already booked up? Leave your name and I’ll do some more tours to satisfy any demand.


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