Screen Forum: Actors and Directors

The next Screen Forum, which exists to “showcase quality work in the region and to facilitate networking, collaboration and the sharing of information and resources”, takes place on April 19th at 7pm at the Light House in Wolverhampton. The subject is Actors working with Directors/Directors working with Actors

Screen forum is a regular meeting of practitioners and agencies who are involved in screen based creative industries within the region. This month’s forum will focus on acting: specifically, working with actors (good practice, do’s and don’ts, etc); how to attach yourself to a short film project (contacting agencies, filmmakers’ networks); what to expect in terms of payments (contracts, credits, deferred payment); how to find ‘talent’ (i.e. securing your A list celebrity). This event is aimed at actors, directors and producers and should provide excellent insights into the process of casting, getting the best from actors and for finding out about short film opportunities in the region.

The discussion panel will feature a number of professionals based in the region, including Derrick Knight from the Actors Centre and Paul Hardy, BBC Drama award winner and author of ‘Filming on a Microbudget’; others to be confirmed. The evening will include a short screening of films produced by panel members and featuring actors based in the region.

The event is free but pre-booking is advised. For more information about the programme and to reserve a place contact