1. As Dave has linked – the CF model is actually really simple and useful. It’s about identifying where young people are at (creatively) and enables arts providers to support them in developing their own interests at a level appropriate to them.

    Eg. John likes drawing. He’s never been to a gallery before, nor has he shared any of his drawings with anyone else. He likes watching animated films, and reads graphic novels. In this imaginary example we’d be able to see quickly that he’s already operating as a ‘creator’ but has limited experience as a ‘participant’. Finding new exhibitions for him to visit might be one way of helping him develop his creativity, or perhaps a group class somewhere like the mac. He may also want to find ways of sharing his work – either in person (exhibitions etc) or online (less confrontational!)

    There’s loads of stuff happening under the CF banner and a website is currently in development. Many large arts orgs are delivering work that links into this strategy and currently we are responsible for developing a pilot youth arts signposting service that targets three areas of Birmingham:


    In addition, Hybrid are delivering a series of professional development work which links in as well – more info can be found here:


    (as a small side note, we talked to you about this a few months ago Chris! :)

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