Light House Birthday


Light House media and arts centre in Wolverhampton is celebrating its 21st birthday on Thursday 11 October with a party, a show and a DVD. The event is really aimed at past trainees and associates – the Light House Family if you will – but I got an invite so it’s not exactly exclusive.

As well as drinks we are presenting the work of director and screenwriter Sean Spencer and launching our new DVD featuring short films produced at the centre over the past 21 years. Light House is an award winning production company with an impressive list of titles to its name and this evening we will be showcasing a number of short films as well as inviting Sean Spencer to take the stage and talk about his career since graduating from Light House in 1999.

The evening will begin with a screening of Sean’s work including a number of edgy and distinctive short films that have been screened worldwide catching the attention of high profile organisations such as the British Film Institute and the BBC. Sean is now regularly approached to undertake consultancy work, script editing and mentoring for companies such as Frontline Productions and currently has a slate of feature films in development.

If you know of anyone who’s been involved with Light House over the years please tell them about this, and if you’d like to go yourself RSVP to plot [at] or 01902 716055.

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