1. Worth noting for your audience (BIS rather than DCMS)
    NESTA: “No longer an NDPB – Seek to establish as an independent charity. Endowment to be held in a separate trust”

    Film Industry Training Board: “Under consideration – Complete consideration by November 2010 of transferring body and functions to private sector status”

    UK Trade & Industry – retain
    They’ve part-funded a lot of creative companies in Brum to sell their stuff overseas.

    Technology Strategy Board – retain
    Innovation funding for Digital and Creative Industries

    I note the Teachers TV Board of Governors is abolished but I’m not sure what that means for Teacher’s TV itself (at least one local TV indie has work from them).

    And now that knitting is cool again we can breathe a sigh of relief for the retention of the British Wool Marketing Board.

  2. Ta, have added the ones I missed to the lists in the post.

    Some info on Teachers TV in the Indy today http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/schools/richard-garner-we-can-teach-those-foreigners-a-thing-or-two-2106043.html

    It’s owned by a consortium called Education Digital but the Board of Governors is there to make sure the public funding they receive is spent properly. Fair to suppose that the disappearing board means the funding is disappearing too?

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