David Thomas’ Modern Traditions


Midwest has details of a gallery launch at Crowd6 in Bearwood: Modern Traditions by David Thomas:

Modern Traditions marks the first UK solo exhibition for David Thomas and contains part of a body of work made during a residency at VIS-A-VIS Art Lab in China over February & March 2007. This work was developed in Xiamen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shanghai and now forms part of a permanent collection and a touring exhibition programme. The work explores notions of Cultural Heritage and social difference, in particular how these elements of life are lost or subject to change through economic and commercial development.


David Thomas is an artist currently based in Birmingham, UK. His work spans sculpture, performance, film and new medias, often working within an interdisciplinary capacity. He has shown extensively throughout the UK and in New York (USA), Tokyo (Japan) and China, and coordinated and curated projects across Europe. In 2008 David will exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Massachusetts USA and will have a residency in Beijing (China) concluding in a major solo touring show with accompanying publication.

The Private View is Private View on 20 September 6pm – 8pm and the show runs from 22 September – 14 October. Contact Crowd6 for details.