B1 CD tracks still online

b1_cd_cvr.jpegThe Birmingham Post lead this morning with a piece on the B1 CD (previously blogged here and here) which, annoyingly, isn’t on the incredibly shonky icBirmingham site.

[Update: Here’s the article. I guess the Post’s web division don’t work weekends.]

At the end is a statement from Birmingham City Council (my emphasis):

This is a really exciting project for the city. We are aware that there is an anomaly in the wording of the contract which we are already addressing. In the meanwhile, the music has been temporarily withdrawn from the website pending resolution of this issue.”

Um, except it hasn’t. They’ve removed the page that links to the music but the mp3s are still on the council’s server. If you check Google’s cached copy which they make every time they index a page, you can follow the links and download the songs.

For example, to download Robot’s track Motornation from the birmingham.gov.uk website, click here and Save As.


[Update: the files came down Monday morning]


  1. dp

    Shonky? Couldn’t you be more to-the-point and say things like “fourth-rate; insulting in its badly-laid-out and under-resourced design”?

  2. In defense of the Post and Mail they’re lumbered with the site thanks to being owned by Trinity Mirror. Now TM are selling them and, as I understand it, they’re doing a management buyout thing with private equity money an actual working website should be in the pipeline.

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