TAK! is a design studio, with an emphasis on website design, based in the Custard Factory who have a rather impressive portfolio. Their work for Thomas Tallis, a specialist art school, is up for a SXSW Award for the Tallis Talk service, a simple but effective IM-style forum in which staff and pupils can discuss school-realted issues. Personally I set the bar very high for professional web design and I’m impressed with what they do.

Part of my immediate attraction to TAK! comes from their own website. While coming from the usual portfolio paradigm it manages to give a genuine sense of personality, and while they employ Flash a lot it’s never gratuitous or annoying. The cherry on the top is their blog, hidden under the title Playground, which works on all the right levels. Here you can find out what they’re up to but also what they think is interesting, from fonts to robotic snow ploughs.

If every business website communicated on this level the world would be a better place. Birmingham creatives – please take note.

Hat tip to Ten4