Skeletons at the Actress

There appears to be a nice community consolidating around the Actress and Bishop on Ludgate Hill. Skeleton Crew Promotions have been handling the Friday and Saturday gig bookings since July and are working with Solar Creations who have put on many nights there in the past. They’re solidly booked up until the end of November with what looks to be a decent range of new and established acts (I’m always pleased to see a gig listing where I don’t recognise most of the names – shows there’s always new stuff to discover) and they’re always interested in hearing from “good bands” who want to play there. Contact through MySpace.

The Actress is a lovely little venue. A normal-ish pub at first glance, the upstairs is cosy, like someone’s living room, but spacious enough for a reasonable crowd. I like seeing bands there.

via Iron Man Records. Photo by Lee Jordan.

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