In antiques news…

As far as I can tell, none of us have ever really mentioned antiques over the span of CiB’s existence. Here’s an end to that:

Antiques For Everyone

The summer event of the tri-annual antiques fair is at the NEC from 22-25 July 2010. The BPo will have have a free ticket offer in Thursday’s edition if you fancy it.

Sutton Coldfield Antiques Circle

The other week the SCAC celebrated it’s 40th anniversary. I know this because my gran was one of the founding members and was honoured on the night. Yay for my gran!

One Comment

  1. Chris, pleased to see your comment re Sutton Coldfield Antiques Circle, who is your Gran?
    We had a super evening with a dinner followed by an appearance of Henry VIII. All in all, a good night was had by everyone.
    We are always looking to attract new members to our circle and currently have a membership of 78. If you can give us a mention, it would be much appreciated.
    Best wishes
    Andrew Pike – Hon Treasurer

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