Cut From A Different Cloth

Graffiti artist Temper is exhibiting in Birmingham city centre from today with a collection called  ‘Cut From A Different Cloth’. The exhibition was commissioned as part of Style Birmingham Live and features five of the world’s most famous fashion icons. Here’s some more info:

The collection, ‘Cut From A Different Cloth’ is being unveiled in Birmingham city centre on 30th June, as part of a commission by Retail Birmingham. The collection celebrates the world’s most famous fashion icons including Lee Alexandra McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Tom Ford and Coco Chanel and will be in place for three months throughout the summer.

A sixth portrait will be completed over the summer following a public poll on the Style Birmingham website, where visitors are encouraged to vote for their favourite fashion designer of all time which will then be painted by Temper.


  1. xfritzx

    Just because you use spray-paint on a canvas, that doesnt necessarily make you a “graffiti artist”. In fact I would put money on the fact that Temper hasnt put up a real “piece” in years.

    And even if he did use letters in his work, as soon as that enters a gallery, in my mind it ceases to be graffiti.

  2. Wendy

    Who cares what it’s called, a very strange critique indeed when another of the biggest graffiti artists (Banksy) also has his work in galleries etc all over the world, presumably he isn’t entitled to call himself a graffiti artist either?

  3. xfritzx

    Banksy is NOT a graffiti artist. He does stencils, you know “street-art”. The mere fact that he uses spray-paint does not make his work graffiti. I suppose thats the point I was trying to get across.

  4. Shona

    So Eric Haze isn’t a graffiti artist then, either, xfrtizx? Because he developed and started producing his stuff on canvas?

    Most, but not all, but most of the graffiti in Brum now consists of recycled interpretations of other graf artists. Very rarely is there anything special about it.

    You don’t have to follow the crowd in everything you do because it’s been given a label. Temper didn’t. Neither did Haze. Don’t knock it unless you can show me something that will really knock me for six.

  5. Jill

    Not overly impressed at all, in fact rather a disappointment considering the level of the artists other collections.

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