1. I really didn’t mind people mentioning the stuff they’re involved in or are a fan of; it just goes to show the volume and variety of stuff that goes on in Birmingham.

  2. Yeah, it’s all in a good cause, but I’d like to have thought that people would want to support something like this for reasons other than self-interest. Like I say, I’m an idealist. I suppose it gives the lie to the suggestion that folk around here can’t shout up for themselves.

  3. “I was less impressed by people spamming their stuff on there”

    Yeah it’s disappointing, but that’s pretty much how _most people_ (including “the creative”) online work, isn’t it? Mainly it was every time I saw the words “organisation” or “cultural offer” my heart sank.

    That said, this was an idea that did reach beyond the usual crowd and well worth the minimal cost/effort.

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