1. Thank YOU again for such a lovely shop / experience, for the friendly welcome, for stocking such cool stuff and for allowing us to have a BookCrossing Zone (box) and a stream of BookCrossers marching in and ferreting under the coffee table!

  2. Thanks for putting the film up, it was great meeting and interviewing you guys. I popped in a couple of times when you first opened and the difference on the last Saturday was amazing, there was so much stuff there, it was incredible.

    Hope you guys open up again so we can do it all over again! :)

  3. JB

    Loved this shop… such a good idea, it’s amazing no one’s thought of it before. I hope it resurfaces elsewhere in the city centre some other time; there’s no shortage of empty shop units, after all. Combine it with an independent coffee shop and you’d be offering something the city centre is sorely lacking.

    Taking the concept one step further, I’d suggest something even bolder: open a shop in London. I can just see a branch on Commercial Street, Bethnal Green Road or Hackney Road. This would do more to promote Brum in the capital than the quantum of the city’s past efforts combined. London’s my hometown and I came up to Brum recently, in part because I’d read about the CiB shop and wanted to check out its wares. And having seen them once, I’m looking forward to coming back.

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