1. […] The Created in Birmingham Shop has a section on the CiB blog, and is also on twitter @createdinbrum. You may want to follow them on twitter, to keep track of where they are going, as the shop in the Bullring is a temporary location, offered by the centre, a great use of vacant retail space in the downturn. The Created in Birmingham shop, sells works from the local creative community and if you plan on visiting, best make it sharpish, the three month stint in the Bullring is coming to an end on May 23rd! Read about the shop here. […]

  2. Just wanted to say thank you so much for hosting our BookCrossing Zone box while the shop has been open – we’ve so enjoyed hearing back from the books as they make their way from the shop, it’s brought a few people in for you, too, and we’ll continue to update you about their journies in the future. Thanks for the support!

  3. Thank you so much for allowing me to sell my stuff in the shop, I’ll be down at some point this week to pick up unsold stuff and my moneys :]
    and when/if you re-open, I’ll be sure to be one of the first to bring in my wares!

  4. Thank you for letting me sell my bags in your wonderful shop (which is a lot like a treasure trove)
    :) you were my first outlet and have inspired me to look for boutiques and shops to showcase my things…
    Please re-open!! Birmingham needs more outlets for artists and people who like to be creative and less boring shops

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