Getting help from the City Council

This email did the rounds a while back and I thought it might be useful to repost it here as it helped clear up a few things for me:

The following two services are managed by the Creative Development Team at Birmingham City Council and are open to creative businesses in West Midlands Objective Two areas. This innovative programme brings together a strong regional partnership to ensure a seamless provision across the region. If you are interested in knowing more about this programme or want to submit an application, please contact your local regional partner to arrange an initial meeting:


Contact Shasta Rashid @ Birmingham City Council,; t. 0121 303 2462

[non-Birmingham contacts removed]

A brief summary of the elements of the programme are as follows:

  • Up to £2500 for a feasibility study to assess the market for a new product or service. via research, video, CD Rom etc to show case portfolio of services available, in a format suitable to showcase your skills and work to develop new markets.
  • Up to £5000 for creative space- set up or expansion of business premises [This is not available to businesses who have been trading for less than 12 months] These services are managed by Business Link West Midlands (Creative and Knowledge Industries Sector Manager- Lara Ratnaraja ) [The provision is supposed to emphasise the cohesiveness of the support so emphasising them as split elements is counter productive]

These services are managed by Business Link West Midlands (Creative and Knowledge Industries Sector Manager – Lara Ratnaraja)

  • Core Offer – Business Review and Action Plan (one day): all Creative Industries businesses (irrespective of objective two status) are entitled to one-day with one of our dedicated Creative Industries business advisers.
  • Creative City/Region offer for businesses in objective two areas including: Consultancy – Up to 50% funding available (42% net) for specialised consultancy packages i.e. website development, marketing, PR using business link accredited consultants.

More information can be accessed via

Tim Wilson | Creative Industries Programme Co-Ordinator | Business Link West Midlands

t: 01384 360754 | m: 07929 012292