Making Poetry workshops

Some monthly poetry workshops starting this week and carrying on to the end of the year.

Making Poetry are responsible, they cost up to £18 per workshop (with discounts available) and the Shakespeare Memorial Room (at Birmingham Central Library) is where it’ll all happen.

This is what they’re doing:

  • 17th April – Getting it Out There – Preparing work for publication, sending out, putting together a pamphlet with Jacqui Rowe
  • 22nd May – Serious Play – Masterclass  with Mario Petrucci, aiming to release the imagination into fresh realms populated by the unexpected, and an incisive language with which to meet it.
  • 19th June – Painting the Picture  with Jacqui Rowe.  Ekphrastic poetry, including a chance to visit Birmingham Art Gallery
  • 17th July – ShadoWork – Writing and Performance as group activity. Masterclass with Mario Petrucci. Participants will explore Mario’s “co-vocal” approach to writing and performance, culminating in the performance of a short piece formulated on the day.
  • 14th August – Finding the Form with Jacqui Rowe – choosing the form for a poem, including a look at some specific forms such as haiku and sonnet
  • 18th September – Ideas in Things with Jacqui Rowe  and Meredith Andrea – using objects as an inspiration for poetry
  • 23rd October – The Mapmaker’s Workbox  with Jacqui Rowe and Meredith Andrea – a re-run of last year’s popular workshop on the theme of maps and journeys
  • 13th November – Windows and Icebergs – Masterclass with Mario Petrucci.  Observation, the senses, personal memory, reflection, imagination, other people’s work – all of these are potential paths into new and exciting writing.
  • 11th December – All The Ages We Have Ever Been: writing poetry for children and adults equally -Masterclass with Philip Gross. Qualities of playfulness and sensual delight in sound and form and image, and direct access to astonishment and real emotion.

Details on the Making Poetry website.