
  • A reminder that Plot continue to do their Plotcasts, releasing audio of events at Light House so everyone can benefit from them. Of particular note is May’s Screen Forum where BAFTA types gave advice on pitching at Cannes.
  • 30 days ’til Artsfest
  • Stumbled across the Birmingham Gigs group on MySpace and while I doubt I’ll ever hang out there (I prefer to use websites that actually function for my networking) it does serve as a neat directory to the venues and promoters in the city. Loads of promoters there, many I’d never heard of. Looks like they keep a regular gig listing updated too.
  • For those following such things, The Post reports on the “unveiling of a strategy to oversee the 20-year £10 billion City Centre Masterplan”. Here’s the PDF of said Masterplan. Thanks Stef.
  • Casual staff are needed to work the deciBel Showcase next month in the following areas: Front of House, Administration, Box Office, Venue Liaison and Production. There’s an hourly rate paid and, as is often the case with these things, working it is “a fantastic opportunity for anyone hoping to get into the arts, students and/or freelance arts professionals.” Email CVs to Sindy Campbell at or call 0121 244 8083.
  • Midas release their new single Red Shoes this month. There’s a secrit launch party somewhere in Birmingham tonight and a more open launch at HMV on the 20th. They’re also keeping a good looking blog on their MySpace with lots of video. via Birminghamusic.

One Comment

  1. On the Masterplan stuff: the city centre masterplan document you refer to is actually from earlier this year and the Post did a series of useful articles about some of its key points and potential impacts.

    The recent stuff in the press is about the appointment of some consultants for £750,000 to oversee the implementation of the plan. Don’t worry though, it’ll be money well spent: “Mr Campbell said he was looking forward to taking on an ambassadorial role promoting the city across the world”


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