The First Sunday Flea

Flea Market SignThe first Sunday Flea Market at the Custard Factory took place last weekend. Bongo Vongo got some photos including the ones in this post and here’s Karl Binder, writing on the Adhere Creative blog:

Since my Sunday mornings are almost always entirely free of bungee bouncing and poolside live music I had a thoroughly entertaining lunchtime. I did feel there were not quite enough stalls to hold my attention for much longer than an hour at most, but the overall atmosphere was quite refreshing.

I happily bought my share of freshly ground coffee beans, old fashioned liquorish sweets, the aforementioned red paste and fresh crepes all round, but I was a little disappointed not to find anything else of note that caused the purse strings to pucker. There was a beautifully boxed ZX Spectrum that we considered buying to challenge our freelancers, but alas common sense prevailed and we gave it a miss.

A quick pint in the Old Crown capped lunchtime off nicely. All in all I would give the Sunday Flea a thumbs up. It remains to be seen how effective it will be in lesser weather and it could certainly do with a bigger attendance but for now I’ll enjoy my Crème Brule coffee beans and doff my cap once again in the direction of Gibb Square.

As I understand it the Custard Factory have big plans for this weekly market, seeing it as a bridge between the art made by their tenants and the public. They also want to make the CF a cultural destination on Sundays along the lines of the markets in Spittalfields or Camden (if you know your London Markets). So definitely early days.

Strolling through the Flea Market