Out of the Bedroom

Stripsearch, the ongoing project to identify and support comic strip illustration talent in the West Midlands run by Hi8us, is currently touring an exhibition of work produced at workshops run by John McCrea.

Out Of The Bedroom is currently showing in the Custard Factory Reception on Gibb St from 9am-6pm until Feb 9th. The following artists are involved (with links where I could find them)

Simon K Woolford
Duane Blue Leslie
Anthony McClure
Jonathan Dukes
Lee Bradley
Tony McGee
Karoline Rerrie
Nicola Johnson
Abbey Baguley
Lisa Hill
Lizz Lunney
Giuseppa Barresi
Jane McGuiness
Liam Keane
Peter Inscoe

(Note to Hi8us – putting links on your site would be really useful for anyone wanting to contact the artists to offer them work and such, especially emerging artists who aren’t so visible on Google. I’m just saying.)

Full details are in this press release.

One Comment

  1. A good point. However, if anyone is interested in contacting any of the Artists involved in the scheme or would like to speak to me about the projects we run please contact me directly on 0121 753 7700 or jemima@hi8us.co.uk

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