
Bearded is a new music magazine coming out of Birmingham this month.

In the independent music industry, there is a dedicated voice emerging for artists and labels alike to give their wares prominence in an industry stagnated with sub-standard songs and even worse band names.

Birmingham’s Misty’s Big Adventure recently summed it up quite aptly in their independent chart hit ‘Fashion Parade’ – labelling the recent shoddy state of affairs a “bland age” – and it is from Birmingham where the next push of the independent scene nationwide is originating.

Launching on the 20 August, Bearded magazine is set to avoid newsstands nationwide and plant itself in independent record stores and alternative music venues, bars and clubs around the country every month.

A joint project bringing together the writing and PR pool Fleeing from Pigeons and West Yorkshire based, award-winning design agency This is Make Believe, Bearded is the cut-off from the traditional music press – dedicating itself solely to independent labels and independent artists whilst matching the alternative nature of its content with a high quality feel and design – made from thick, superb paper and delivering itself to the alternative subculture of Britain’s youth absolutely free.

via B:INS