One Comment

  1. Lee

    In 2007 Birmingham City Council withdrew a long standing subsidy to “Birmingham Artists” an artist led organisation in the city. The subsidy allowed Birmingham Artists to rent affordable studio space, enabling them to deliver numerous projects, educational and art activities for the city. These were the only studios supported by the council, at affordable rents, and were purpose fitted by the council in order to support artists. Other cities do the same, but Birmingham now stands out as the city not support artists in this way!
    The artists themselves contribute enormously to the creative fabric and industries in this city. They and a huge network of supporters fought for a long time to keep the council’s subsidy, but despite this support they met complete disinterest from the council. The studios they rented, paid rates on and had to move out of remain empty to this day!

    I think Birmingham City Council has a nerve to apply for “City of Culture” after treating grass roots artists in this way.

    I ask all Artists; watch the City of Culture bid, raise your concerns, ask “does Birmingham really deserve this after the way they have treated artists in Birmingham”? In my opinion, NO WAY!

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