Audiences Central Jobs Listings

Audiences Central is a West Mids organisation that “works across the region assisting and supporting arts and cultural organisations in the development of audiences for all forms of art” they’ve started up a pretty keen looking a jobs section.

Here’s the skinny:

* Jobs are free to submit and listings are supplied as RSS feeds.
* Registered users get a great system for sharing news – everyone can
upload press releases for journalists and other users to keep track of
(via email and RSS)
* Shared events calendar. Again, registered users can add industry
events and share them with others.
* A new blog.
* Premium resources to help arts organisations better promote and
market themselves.
And lots more….

The jobs and opportunities market in Birmingham seems to generally be communicated by word of mouth and email. I get a lot of them forwarded to me and always think “these should all be in one place online” so this is a really necessary thing. The idea is that it’ll not just cover the usual arts-related admin jobs but also list commissions and opportunities for artists themselves. And of course any site like this is only as good as the information people put into it, so go submit yours.

This is part of a major overhaul of the Audiences Central site by design agency 3form so expect more to follow.


  1. This is great, I’ve been looking for a midlands arts job feed like this. I subscribed on Wednesday and so far most of the jobs published on the feed have been well past their closing date. Not sure how useful a function this is.

  2. Like all these tools it’s only as good as the information that’s put into it, and it’s only just launched so as a user you might want to think of it as a proof of concept right now. I’m sure the right people will start putting their info in soon enough and then it’ll be invaluable.

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