Glory Bitches of Doghead

Birmingham’s “Lords of All That’s Wrong” Mistress have a new album out. The gloriously titled Glory Bitches of Doghead came out on Feto Records in April and is now available worldwide.

Taking in subject matter ranging from grimy obsessions and seeking alcohol oblivion to a bitter attack on Immanuel Kant, The Glory Bitches Of Doghead is an aggressive, frequently surprising and supremely energetic collection that should appeal to anyone with a love for extreme metal and even anyone with an axe to grind!

Here’s a track, entitled KUNT.

I’m not an extreme metal fan as a rule but I went to a Mistress gig once (photos) and it blew my tiny mind out of my nose. Astonishing stuff.

Feto Records is a Birmingham-based label formed by Shane Embury (Napalm Death, Brujeria, Lock up, Venomous Concept) and Mick Kenney (Anaal Nathrakh, Exploder, Mistress, Frost).

The name of the Label FETO derives itself from the title of the second Napalm Death album “From Enslavement to Obliteration”. When the album rocketed into the NME Indie album charts at No1 in 1988, it settled itself above bands such as Sonic Youth and Big Black. Such was the musical diversity of extremity at that time, it is a reminder to us all that rules are meant to be broken!

Over the coming months as the label continues to grow and expand, you can expect releases from many genre’s of extreme music. Be it grindcore/ death metal/ heavy metal/ punk/ hardcore/ industrial or experimental, FETO aims to become a guiding light in the darkness of ignorance..