Misty’s to start record label

In an update that was so important they posted to their MySpace blog 17 times* Misty’s Big Adventure have announced they’re setting up their own record label, Grumpy Fun Records, which will release their new album, Funny Times, followed by “other bands we’d love you to hear”. Needless to say this is great news, giving more focus to that strange genre of music that isn’t really a genre, more a way of life, and which could only come form Birmingham. More news as it emerges.

They also have gigs lined up, on the 7th July at the Jug with support from Betty and the Id and “an afternoon all ages gig in Birmingham on the 21st of July at The Custard Factory in benefit of Moseley Road Swimming Baths. Kate Goes are supporting.”

*Not that I’m casting aspersions on their web-fu. This is MySpace we’re talking about where ineptitude is thrust upon you.