Moseley Music in the Park postponed

News reaches me through Facebook that the Moseley Festival‘s Music in the Park has been postponed until the weekend of August 11th – 12th. No reason given as yet, and I’m sure details will filter out over time, but I’d suspect the forecast of stupid amounts of rain, not to mention to overlapping Rootsville (which could be considered rather Moseley-friendly), has something to do with it.


  1. As the booking agent for Rootsville and a friend of Moseley Festival I’m sorry to hear that Moseley Festival is postponed. I only guess that it’s down to the park being waterlogged and that a few hundred people on it now could cause some serious damage.

    So for those planning to be in Moseley Saturday Afternoon let me offer a fine alternative and everyone can still look forward to the park on August 11th and 12th.

    We have something very special happening in Digbeth this Saturday.

    The Young Zulu Warriors are coming:

    They are from here:

    A real island of hope in a sea of despair.

    They are flying in on Friday morning from Kwa Zulu-Natal, Friday night they are performing at the SA embassy in London introduced by some fella called Jude Law. Sounds flash but it’s gonna be stuffy and lots of standing around for our visitors.

    Point is when they arrive with us on Saturday afternoon we really want to make them feel properly welcome in the UK in a way only a chilled, funky Birmingham crowd can do. In return they are going to give us a special selection of their favourite songs and dances from Saturday night back home.

    Kent has cleverly arranged for them to play under one of the massive arches by the Custard Factory on Gibb St. So lots of room to get out of the rain. Please come and welcome them.
    We are filming them for a DVD release which will go around the world and we want to show the world that we are not phased by a bit of water – we are British, it’s what we do!

    From 12.00 until the Warriors at 4.45 we have tremendous music from Steve Gibbons, Chrissy van Dyke, Soweto Kinch, The Birmingham Community Gospel Choir and many other fine folk

    We will also have a few words from the remarkable Heather Reynolds who set up God’s Golden Acre and bizarrely I’ve just heard that Hello Magazine have made an offer for exlusive pictures of the tour so maybe we’ll all be in Hello so put your best mac on!

    After 6.00 the event goes into paying mode but check the line up here, it’s tasty:

    Now for Sunday another cunning plan to get out of the rain by going underground. Check this:

    Cool eh!

    So see you under the arches and down the tunnels.

    And in the Park on Aug 11th and 12th.

    Dryness and fun to all,


  2. The Good news is that Rootsville Festival is full steam ahead so all the people who had planned on having a good day out in Moseley Park would all be most welcome to come and Join Rootsville at The Custard Factory 30th June 2007 from 12-6pm for free and if they are into it they can buy a ticket for the 6pm til 6am session too. And I’m sure some of the Rootsville lot will be glad to get a chance to go to Moesely Park in August as well.

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