
  • The Birmingham International Comics Show scheduled for October 13th – 14th in Thinktank, has confirmed three star guests, Americans Kevin Nolan and Mike Mignola and Brit Bryan Talbot.
  • TAK talk about Walkie Talkie, a rather sumptuous magazine they created for Clarkes shoes.
  • The Stirrer reports on the financial debacle surrounding The Public arts centre in West Brom. I confess to not really following this story but it appears that “£1 million in professional fees went unaccounted for ultimately bringing the project down.” More here (warning – will resize your browser window).
  • Birmingham Words have launched a potentially very useful forum, Share Your Work. “This is a place for constructive feedback on work by other members of Birmingham Words. So you can post a piece you are working on, and use the massed minds of the Birmingham Words community to get feedback.” Anything in word form is welcome but “300 page epic poems or retellings of the Mahabharata” are discouraged.
  • Local ska heroes The Klopeks have called it a day citing “terminal rubbish” as the root cause. “The Klopeks slipped from this world without fuss. There will be no funeral as we were not a religious band. The memory will be merely pushed out onto the Birmingham – Fazley canal aflame not unlike the burial of a mighty Viking warrior.”