1. Hey – just a heads up that Nikki Pugh’s Eastside walk is next wkend Sun 18th Oct. Pop it in your diaries! :-)

    However there is a Bham Flickr group meet from 2pm this Sun. Meet in Coffee Lounge with your camera and go from there.

    You can find Nikki Pugh playing games in the Bullring this Sat afternoon, meet the BARG crew by the Bull at 3pm for the fun. See http://barg.org.uk/make/announcing_the_bullring_playtest/ for details.

    Also, there’s a IWIC celebration of modern Ireland in the newly refurbished Irish Centre from 6.30pm Sat evening. It’s not free but the evening of song, dance, drinks and food should be worth the £10 ticket price. See: http://digbeth.org/2009/10/iwic-presents-a-seisun-this-sat-10th-oct/

    Maybe see you out and about over the weekend, it’s going to be an active one!

  2. Yeah, we’re BARGing in the Bullring centre this Saturday (10th) and walking around Eastside next Sunday (18th). (You’ll be disappointed if you’re expecting GPS assistance though – this one is specifically to do all the things I can’t do when I’ve got a sat-nav in each hand!)

    Both events are indeed free and you don’t need any specialist knowledge for either of them, just a healthy curiosity in your surroundings.

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