Artists’s Taking the Lead – thoughts?

The Arts Council recently asked for regional submissions to win a significant pot of money under the title ‘Artists Taking the Lead’ – linking into themes of the Cultural Olympiad, and leading up to the 2012 Olympics.

The first selection process has happened, and details of the potential regional winners have been announced and can be found here.  Unsurprisingly, all of the West Midlands shortlisted are designed to happen in Birmingham (with perhaps the exception of Imagineer Productions – which doesn’t specify, but has obvious Coventry connections?) and so it seemed relevant to point it out to the CiB readers and point you to the site where comments are invited on which idea excites you the most.

I have rather strong feelings on the selected few and would be curious to find out what you all think.  If any particularly strike you (either positively or negatively!) then feel free to leave a quick comment below explaining why.


  1. she who will remain nameless!

    Wow! Anyone who can spend a £500, 000 budget on a ‘large grass covered hill’ is clever indeed… if only I’d thought of that!!

    And of course, an American composer is an obvious choice to represent the WMs!

    At least the other three could end in something other than a washout….

  2. I am biased but 2 things.
    1. Our idea “Human Torch” WT will involve the whole region. It is a game/experience/art thing (sic). The ‘winning’ team will be one with the most people that contributes to the work, and come from as geographically wide area as possible.
    We will have some ‘static visualisations’ or artworks in physically locations, some of which will be Birmingham.
    2. We hope our idea will lead to other works being generated, as the output we create will be open, machine readable, and produced under suitable Creative Commons licenses.


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